Day = Night

Words by Laura Bayliss


See you later winter! The equinox on Saturday 20 March opens the official gateway into spring. From Sunday, we can start to enjoy longer days and shorter nights. Warmer weather is on the way, evening drinks outside are not far away. Holy Moly, Hallelujah. We could all do with leaving behind and forgetting these past few months, so let’s look at how we can celebrate the spring equinox as we get excited about to better times to come, with fewer woolly jumpers.


Sow seeds

The spring equinox is a major turning point in the year. Nature is waking up. You can literally see new life springing forth from the ground. It is the perfect time to sow seeds and plan your summer planting. You can even make an offering to the earth while you do it – traditionally of milk and honey. For hanging basket and window box inspiration check out our how-to


New balance

The Pagan holiday Ostara, celebrated on the equinox, is about our own personal and spiritual renewal as well as Mother Nature pressing the GO button. With day and night in balance on this day, consider whether you need to address any off-kilter areas in your life.

Lockdown is nearly over and our post-pandemic rebirth awaits! New hairdos, no more trackies, talking to other humans that aren’t delivery people. Get planning your re-entry into the world. Sow those seeds for yourself, and shape the life you want. Out with the old, in with the new. Tip those scales the way you want them.

Clean up your act

Whether you feel like spring cleaning your whole home or sorting out that drawer, now’s the time to clear the clutter. If you’re that way inclined, you can then sage each room (or drawer?) for squeaky clean energy too.   


Make a Pagan altar

Bring some flowers and foliage inside and light some coloured candles to honour the spring. Choose yellow for the sun, green to represent new life, and purple to symbolise spiritual growth and wisdom.



It’s no coincidence that Easter is around this time. Ostara (or Eostre or Eastre) is also the Saxon goddess of spring. All things eggs tie in with the theme of fertility. This year, Easter is two weeks later (it always falls on the Sunday following the full moon after the equinox), but we think it’s fine to get a head start on your Easter eggs. For a non-chocolate egg-themed celebration, you could paint eggs, organise an egg hunt or, of course, roll some eggs around the garden/your living room. Egg balancing is also a big equinox activity. It’s thought that at this time of year the tilt of the Earth and what this does to gravity means it’s possible to balance an egg upright on its end. Competitions and world record attempts still exist today, despite the fact that it’s actually (boringly) just as possible to balance an egg on its end on any other day of the year.

(We love these by @jemmalewismarbling)


Go for a walk

Yeah, OK, we know. Another one? But connecting with nature is very spring equinox. Appreciate the cycle of life all around you. Take those blossom pics for Instagram – you know we all need to see them.


Hot cross buns

Another Easter/Pagan mash up. From a Pagan perspective, the cross divides the bun into four – which are thought to symbolise the four seasons, the four elements of earth, air, fire and water, the four directions on the compass, or the four phases of the moon. Whatever you want it to represent, slather them with butter and eat those hot cross buns with abandon.



Social distancing means no one can be there IRL this year to watch the sun rise over the stones, but every day @stonehenge posts a photo of the sunrise to Twitter. So you’ll still be able to catch that magical moment that starts the day (although it’ll likely be a bit later, once it’s been uploaded…).

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