One of the less welcome parts of summer is undoubtedly the arrival of the whole host of biting insects that come with it, ready and eager to nibble any part of us we dare leave exposed!

We've been spending more time than ever outside this year, so here's our remedy to help keep the blighters at bay without any of the nasty chemicals.

Here's what you'll need:

- Clean jars

- Floating tea lights (easy to find online). Regular tea lights can work too they just take a bit of balancing!

- 10-20 drops essential oil - go for citronella, eucalyptus, lavender , tea tree or citronella (or go for a mix of any of these)

- Slices of lemon or lime

- Sprigs of rosemary

- Water

Simply add a sprig of rosemary, a couple of slices of lemon or lime and your preferred essential oils to the jar, fill to the top with water and then gently float your tealight on top. When lit, the warmth of the candle will gently release the oils into the air, not only smelling good but also repelling those bugs!


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