Kath Lovett: Botanicals and Baby Wipes

Textiles, sustainability, feminism, natural-dyes and wet-wipes!
Tell us a bit about your background and when you know you wanted to be an artist:
I’ve always been an artist but was slightly put off by how self-promoting you had to be in the 2000’s… although it’s changed a lot now! So I taught art in London’s secondary-schools and loved it but re-focused to my art practice after having kids.

Where do you go to find inspiration?
Nature – I always go back to nature – whether it’s watching floating sea-weed, growing a lemon-tree from a pip with my daughter’s help, drawing the weeds in my garden; nature’s generosity and abundance is always my inspiration. Oh, that and reading about wet-wipes!
We love your wet wipe activism concept and how you make living and thinking sustainability beautiful! Do you have any good tips on living more sustainably/what people can do to be more of an activist?
Consume thoughtfully – only buy things that you absolutely love. This will probably mean buying less stuff but you’ll have things that you will treasure forever. Love nature and your local community so much you won’t want to harm it. Become passionate about one issue around sustainability - you can’t be an activist about everything – for me it’s sustainable textiles, but for others it’s meat or bio-diversity. Read loads about it, join an activist group or start one of your own. Now’s the time for everyone to be an activist!
Favourite Grace & Thorn plant/flowers?
Where do I start? The whole shop is my favourite! It has to be the giant cheese plants, or the beautiful dried flowers or the amazing blue hydrangea flower-heads… I could go on forever.
Top London tips/spots?
I’m a South-London girl born and bred so it has be this way of the river. The Horniman Museum has beautiful gardens, a small but perfectly formed aquarium plus the best museum café. The Garden Museum is a gorgeous space in which you can sense the love for nature and come out feeling calm and relaxed. It’s very zen. As for shopping – Chichirara in East Dulwich sells great vintage designer clothes – plus Heather, who runs it, gives honest advice on what actually looks good on you. Which is exactly is why shopping local in independent shops is so great!
You can see Kath's installation in store until 30th August and find out more about her stunning work here.
Images courtesy of Kath Lovett