Words by Jessica Peace

Dalí’s, ‘Metamorphosis of Narcissus’ (1937) taught us all to get over ourselves. The Greek yarn sees young Narcissus becoming infatuated with his own boat and then dies staring at it. Feeling guilty, the Gods immortalise him by making him into that lovely yellow trumpet.

Marie Curie’s ‘Great Daffodil Appeal’ began in 1986 with volunteers handing out cut flowers and pins in exchange for donations. The daffodil brooch tradition continues every March to support the Marie Curie Hospices.

‘...Drop another daffodil … Sail right off the map until morning…’ Yes, we luuurve this one! In 2015 Mark Ronson collaborated with Tame Impala’s Kevin Parker and made ‘Daffodils’ …

‘Sail right off the map until morning…’

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