Words by Jessica Peace

Still buzzin’ from the thrills of ‘The Seedlip Garden’, we are thinking of pea’s pop history...

Hans Christian Anderson brought The Princess and the Pea to the masses in 1835. Basically, if you can still feel that pea digging into your hips whilst lying on seven mattresses you’re probably a princess.

Andy Warhol tossed peas into Pop Art with his prints of ‘32 Campbell's Soup Cans’ in 1962. Initially provoking a ‘What the F**k?’ response, ‘Green Pea Soup’ has been a rock star ever since.

‘...A little lot of little people, They call the Poddington Peas!...’ The creation of Paul Needs and Colin Wyatt first came on our tellys in 1982 and was soooo damn good it makes us a little ‘Weep-Pea’ to think of.

In 2018, Dr Catherine MacDonald’s Chelsea garden is giving the pea some serious style.

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